
(2023). LOWRECORP: the Low-Resource NLG Corpus Building Challenge. INLG GenChal.

DOI ACL Anthology

(2022). Most NLG is Low-Resource: here's what we can do about it. GEM.


(2021). OTTers: One-turn Topic Transitions for Open-Domain Dialogue. ACL-IJCNLP.

PDF Dataset ACL Anthology

(2020). Twenty Years of Confusion in Human Evaluation: NLG Needs Evaluation Sheets and Standardised Definitions. INLG.

PDF Dataset Slides ACL Anthology

(2019). Noise and Neural Natural Language GenerationRubbish in, Rubbish out?. EurNLP.

PDF Poster

(2019). How Speakers Adapt Object Descriptions to Listeners under Load. LCN.


(2016). From OpenCCG to AI Planning: Detecting Infeasible Edges in Sentence Generation. COLING.

PDF ACL Anthology

(2016). Search Challenges in Natural Language Generation with Complex Optimization Objectives. Künstliche Intelligenz.

PDF DOI Springer (paywall)

(2015). Ranking Sentences by Complexity. Master’s thesis.


(2013). Enhancing the Expression of Contrast in the SPaRKy Restaurant Corpus. ENLG.

PDF Dataset ACL Anthology